The player using the Icepick will have a unique icon above their heads, which can be seen on the minimap and through walls. When an enemy player is using the Icepick, the Announcer will inform the player's entire team of the Icepick's activation, followed by the player's items that are in the process of being hacked. The player will also be given the option to hack faster, although this will severely restrict the player's movement speed while hacking faster. Larger items require more time to hack, such as Sentry Guns, Mantises, and Gunships. These effects will remain until TAACOM is able to remove the malware from the player's systems, or if the player is able to kill the player who used the Icepick. Gain the competitive advantage you deserve and eliminate your enemy. The ability to keep your thumbs on the sticks, and fingers on the triggers, greatly improves your response time in any game.

Hacked players will have disabled HUDs, and scrambled minimaps with the addition of "ghost dots" to confuse players. The Strike Pack Eliminator Mod Pack adapter adds four cutting edge, hyper response, mappable rear buttons to your standard PS4® controller. When the player begins to hack, the hacking process will move down a vertical list on the display window, starting with items that can be hacked and converted to the player's side, followed by items that can be outright destroyed, then ending with hacking into other players. When the player pulls out the Icepick, they will have the option to begin the hack or wait. The Icepick is a portable device comprised of several internal computer parts and a keyboard.